Moving in an apartment...?

This is probably a really stupid question so I apologize in advance. It seems I may have to move out into my own apartment. My boyfriend is my safe haven. However he does not want to move out officially quite yet like which I completely get, so I figured it would be okay and make sense for, if I got an apartment, him to come and sleep over just a few nights a week or so. However, reading and researching about renting apartments and such, I read that anyone visiting that frequently should also sign the lease, as a way of agreeing to the rules the landlord has, which I also get. But I want him to use his money for school and what he has going on, so I am unsure if he would HAVE to help pay rent or something if his name is signed on the lease, or if its possible his name could be on there simply as an agreement to keep to the rules and such, so that just me or maybe a roomate as well could handle the rent and stuff. I know, I probably sound really dumb but I need some help