Bassinet and 1 month old

It’s ridiculously hard for my 1 month old boy to stay asleep when we put him In the bassinet. He could be dead asleep and as soon as we slowly, gently place him in it he will be awake in less than 5 minutes.

We tried the, feed him, change his diaper, feed him some more and place him in when he is drowsy and not fully asleep. Including a pacifier for soothing. Nope, he just wakes up fully.

We tried warming the pad up with a sock filled with rice thinking it was just too cold. Didn’t really make a different.

We have white noise, low lights, a humidifier and he is next to our bed so I can do that “first time mom” thing and stare at him throughout the night or place a hand in him to soothe or check.

The only times he stays asleep is when I have been holding him for at least a hour before putting him down. Even then it’s a crap shoot on how long he’ll stay asleep.

But place him on my bed ( no blankets covering hlm) and he will sleep for hours.

Finally after a couple ups and downs- I folded up a quilt that he had been lying on, put it in the bassinet, checked his swaddle sack, and put him down on the thick folded quilt...

Dude hasn’t made a peep since.

Now I’m torn between trying to move him so I can remove the quilt because all the “_____ Peditrician associations.” Say thick mattresses and padding can increase sids. And torn because he is finally comfortable and I can take a moment and relax. And he hasn’t rolled over yet and usually only wiggles his stubby hobbit legs for tooting or pooping- he stays on his back in the swaddle sack.
