Why do I always have to wake up 100 friggen times a night I just want to sleep !!!!

It's so annoying my fiancés head hits the pillow and he is out until his alarm and sometime I have to even nudge (or kick) or yell at him that his alarm is going off and it's time to get up(I mean he is so knocked out solid that I worry if he would wake up to me telling him I'm in labor or if he will wake up to the baby crying.) Mean while I lay down and ONCE IM FINALLY COMFY (and that can take a long time in itself) then I have to fall asleep, Usually takes about an hour. And then I have to pee. And then one of my cats wants in (not an option to just let them meow at the door I cannot sleep through it I've tried 100 times ) and then I'm thirsty and then the other cat wants in and then 5 min later one wants back out and then I have to pee and then let the cat back in and then I'm thirsty again Etc and in each scenario I get back to bed after and struggle to fall back to sleep. In many cases I don't even get to fall asleep before I have to get up again!

I'm a FTM and I'm already dreading th lack of sleep I'll be getting soon and the fact the universe refuses to let me stock up before hand is discouraging me even more.

So I sit here after just letting out one cat and yelling at another for using the house as a race track at 2:40am praying that when I try to lay my head down I can get comfy quickly and go back to sleep till 5:30 when my fiancé gets up for work.

I'm so tired and fat and uncomfortable I just want this over with. I need good sleep before this baby but it doesn't look like I'll get it.

Anyone else worried their SO won't wake up to the baby ?

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it's a sick way to prepare us for the long late nights I think. but yes I fee your pain. I plan to breastfeed so there isnt alot hubby can do accept assume the role of caretaker at night for our 2.5 yr old.... oh and get me water as I am a water tank during breastfeeding. habest of luck! we are almost done.


:( • Jan 29, 2019
It's just wrong! I don't need lack of sleep to prepare me for lack of sleep , I need sleep to prepare for lack of sleep!! Plus the less sleep I get the more likely I am to have an increase in depressive thoughts / behaviors and anxiety. For my actual mental well being I need some fucking sleep !!!