Goodbye for now. ( Thanks again )


So after 8 years of trying almost 9. .. I can't say consecutive but close. We have decided to take a break sense my AF showed yesterday and full force today.

This month had my Hope's and down. I'm just glad the TWW is over and we can move on for now. I truly with all my heart and soul know Gods in control. He can make ANYTHING happen. I know some of you don't believe that but I do. I have very strong belief/Faith and reason to believe there's a reason it hasn't happen yet. My husband nor I have ever had children.

I also have been to many Doctors and testing. With one blocked tube, the doctors keep pushing me to <a href="">IVF</a>. I am trying to avoid that. I don't know what the future holds at this point but I'm just going to live free/happy/peaceful and not track for a while. I'm not sure how long I will do this but it's my plans. Give my mind, body and soul time to relax. Just have romantic sex without thinking about making a baby etc. Travel, expand our business, sip a martini.. Continue to love my fur babies/fish and mainly just be happy with our little blessed family and life.


One day it will happen when the lord knows we are ready.

I send so much thanks for all your opinions/advice. Lots of prayers and baby dust your way and congrats to those who have achieved!

Thanks again ladies! Until next time.. I'm checking out!✌💗🙏