In my experience, I started to feel VERY mild period like pain low. Gradually it got stronger and more often. Then it got to be the period like cramps x1000 with only a min or two reprieve before the next started. Before my water broke, I never had BH or other contractions. I would feel the baby move and push on both sides of my belly at once and thought maybe that was a contraction. It isnt helpful for you to hear but when you have them you will know.
Rebecca • Jan 29, 2019
Is it like thta from the start? Usualy just out of nowhere and you have really bad menstrual like cramps?
Posted at
Like a reeeaaaallllllyyyy bad period cramp.. it'll start off mild and then get stronger til you can't breathe!
I think everyone is different but me personally i started having contractions that were consistent in the morning and i went in at around 9pm when i couldn't handle it and i had her the next day at 7am
Rebecca • Jan 29, 2019
How long did it take for them to get stronger?
Posted at
Like an alien is trying to break out of your stomach 😂 no but it’s the worst back and stomach pains. My son was sunny side up so I had partial back labor as well. I don’t wish it on my worst enemy tbh
A rather strong pressure stemming from down low and pulling up and around the back. It starts off uncomfortable and becomes excruciating when.Out if 4 kids i will say I have never once experienced a real contraction until labor starts. I've had period cramps, I've had braxton hicks, I've had round ligament and lightening crotch. None, for me resemble labor contractions.
They can be different for everyone really. Sometimes like period cramps but more painful. Sometimes it’s just tightening in your stomach. Sometimes people don’t feel them at all. I’ve experienced all 3 of those types of contractions
Excruciating! 😖Remember to breathe through them. Sounds so silly but I remember holding my breath but you have to continue using up breaths ... In through your nose and out through your mouth. It really helps if you focus on this xx