How much vomit is normal?


My daughter normally has little spit ups here and there, nothing major. Sometimes big spit ups but again they seem normal. She woke up at 1:30am for a feed and that was all fine, I burped her and changed her nappy.

She then had a massive vomit all over me, it didn't seem forceful but it stunk like actual vomit instead of the normal sour milk/just milk smell. I had to have a shower because the smell was so bad. She then vomited on my husband, not as much but still a large vomit. He showered and I gave her a wipe down (it's 3am here so I'll bath her in the morning). I tried to feed her because she normally feeds to sleep and I figured her stomach would be empty but she gagged on the nipple shield which she's normally fine with. I rocked and patted her and as she was drifting off to sleep she gagged a couple of times but didn't bring anything else up. I'm a ftm and I'm freaking out a little. She's 3.5 weeks old and breastfed, I'm currently on antibiotics for mastitis so I don't know if that could have caused it?