Ttc #2 not so spontaneous


So my husband and I are ttc #2 and I have been tracking my ovulation, finally got almost positive Opk on cd13. Our first DS is almost 2 and we are getting older, we also both work nights and trying to find the time to try can result in things not being so spontaneous. So when I got the almost green light with the opk ( we have done it 3 times since my fertile window opened ) I put on my lingerie and my husband went on this whole thing on how it’s too much pressure for him and constantly having to be on point and do it now( ok we don’t have abundance of alone time so I have no clue what magic he wants me to do. He said he wants to be the one coming to me... But he has no idea when I’d ovulate and he basically said he doesn’t want to know🙄🙄🙄 Has anyone else had this problem? Obviously for the first we had more alone time but now it’s minimal and we only have one day off a week together.. so I’m starting to feel a little emotional/ upset/ shot down. 😔