Late period, negative test


Hi! So i need some help! Im so confused and could use an outside opinion. So on January 10th i had my Skyla IUD removed. My husband and I had unprotected sex a few times that week after. On January 18th I started to spot and had all the symptoms of receiving my period. So I figured that my period was starting. I started to notice I was only lightly spotting some red, pink and brown blood for only two days(most likely from getting my iud out). And then it stopped. No more spotting happened again after that. I would have expected my normal period to arrive between the 20-25th and continue for 4-5 days. My doctor assured me that my Menstrual cycle would continue as if i never had an iud in. A week after spotting, I decided to take a pregnancy test this past Saturday and it came back negative. Tomorrow is January 30th and i still have not gotten my actual period. But my symptoms include backache, acne, headaches, some pain in my Cervix, fatigue and off and on nausea. Some of these symptoms could be related to other reasons so i have been shrugging most of this off. But now im getting worried something is going on. Please help!