Who is still waiting on baby's arrival??

Autumn • Mommy of 3 girls 💜💜💜 Another baby GIRL on the way due 1/27/19 💜

I am 40+2 and am seeing everyone's precious babies being born and I'm just like okay anytime would be peachy!

I had a check up today but wasn't checked by cervical exam. My midwife noticed baby had dropped as I was measuring smaller than previous weeks. Last week I was only half to 1cm dilated and soft cervix. I had a couple of contractions on Sunday but they went away and haven't experienced any since. I'm not reading too much into the dilation part bc labor with my other 3 pregnancies started when I was 1 cm. Before due date we all look forward to how many more weeks and now it's just a guessing game of when and thinking about it 24/7 🙄 I have an ultrasound and NST scheduled for Friday and then my next appt on Monday but I don't wanna wait anymoreeeeeeeee lol

Anyway, just wondered how many of us are still waiting on our January babies 😊

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