Need help

I had confirmation from the hospital a week ago that I miscarried. I started bleeding the 12th and finished bleeding around the 23rd.

My partner and I had sex on the 18th and didn't have protection. I haven't had any abdominal pain since the 15th through and tonight I'm starting to have abdominal pain again. I'm going chalk it up to my uterus strinking back down, as we tried for 5 minutes to see pregnant so I don't think we could've gotten this lucky to get pregnant so soon.

Just wanting to hear your thoughts. I haven't had any abdominal pain since the 15th and stopped bleeding altogether on the 23rd.

I have had some white/clear rubbery stuff come out of my vagina, which is pretty nornal for myself and gets more as I'm pregnant, as well as creamy white discharge again so I think my body is just going back to normal. I just want your opinions.