Feeling sorry for my chunky self...

Kelsey • Happily married•Mommy to a sweet princess and 2 boys• One on the way•

So, my husband has been talking about joining the gym and getting fit for about a month. He finally joined today, and I’m just sitting here eating my ice cream feeling sorry for myself.

I’m 32w+4d. My belly and every other part of me is growing and stretching to it’s wits end. Don’t get me wrong, I am so thankful to be growing this beautiful miracle. I already have one sweet little love who is 17 months old.

It’s just, hubby did this same thing at this point in my previous pregnancy. The sudden urge to get fit when I’m at my ugliest, least confident point. (I REALLY struggle with self confidence)

Any-who, just needed to get it out there. I want nothing but the best for my husband and only the best for his health. Just feeling sorry for me.

Picture of me and my princess just because. 💓