Waking to feed baby

Vanessa • Navy wife and mom to an angel in heaven, and three beautiful girls on earth! Trying to navigate quarantine life, running a small business, and having a toddler and a small baby’s at the same time while the oldest does virtual school. Oh what a world we li

So at the hospital they told me I need to feed every 3 hours at the minimum, basically waking her up if she hasn’t eaten yet. I know i have to wake her to feed, but she REFUSES to wake up at 3 hours if she’s really tired and I can struggle to wake her to nurse for an hour. When I finally “give up” she perks up and roots around closer to 4 hours if she slept too long. Sometimes she wakes sooner and wants to feed every 2 or less.

My first is 4.5, so I don’t remember a lot from when she was a newborn. Baby girl was born on Sunday so she’s just over 2 days old and my milk is already coming in big time. I pumped an ounce with my manual pump (total from both sides) just to relieve the pressure this afternoon after two hours of trying to feed her. Came back after cleaning the pump and she had started sucking on her hands 😂

How often do you wake baby to nurse? Should I keep up trying at 3 hours or wait longer to see if she is more interested?