Give me your weight loss tips!!

I’m 6 months PP and I was so close to my pre pregnancy weight 2 months ago but life happened and stress and well I gained 10lbs back on. I’m always feeling super sluggish, no energy, always relying on coffee. But mainly I hate how I look! I love my body for giving me my baby boy but I’d like to be healthier overall. I was thinking about going keto, seeing so many people doing it and seeing great results BUT that diet is not realistic for me at all. I love pasta and pizza too much. I’m willing to cut these things down but not out of my diet, I don’t see anything wrong with eating carbs. Give me your meal plan ideas that you followed, basic rules and tips please!! I weigh 171lbs right now and I’d like to get down to 130lbs, but I’d be happy with 140. Also what exercises did you do at home? I have no time to go to the gym and no extra cash to pay for a membership anyways lol. Thanks