AF just loves to pour salt in the wound


Had my first fertility appt today. However we went ahead and pulled blood for a Beta because I was having new obvious symptoms even though I was 4 days to AF still. My hpt’s started were negative. My new symptom Id never had before had start yesterday. Sore/swollen nips. Visibly swollen I might add. In 30 years I’d never had this happen before. I didn’t get my hopes up until my OB said she felt it was worth a STAT beta because after my history she thinks I might need progesterone support to maintain a pregnancy. So off to the lab I go. I’ve honestly never had hopeful enough signs that last long enough is to get one pulled. So I was excited and nervous. Hubby was almost giddy. Said she’d call me at 8am with the result and game plan for either way. 9pm rolls around...rboom I felt it. AF with blazing flare

had arrived to ruin my night.

Sigh back to CD1. But at least I’ll be starting the process at the OB to diagnose possible causes for our infertility.