Baby sleeping on side


My daughter is 4 months old and is almost able to roll over onto her tummy. She makes it onto her side but hasn’t yet flipped completely over. She can hold up her head while on her tummy, but she gets tired after a couple minutes and poops out, so she’s not perfect at it, but shes definitely able to do it when put on her tummy.

Today she was trying really hard to roll over all day. Well I noticed her right now rolled to the side asleep. Which of course makes me nervous because I don’t know what to expect. I just get nervous that she’s gonna roll over while she’s asleep and not breathe properly. Shes been sleeping without a swaddle for about a month now so she’s gained more strength with her arms.

Anyone have any advice for me with this milestone? I’m a first time mom so I don’t know what to expect, look for, or not worry about. (She’s currently transitioning to crib, which she’s doing well with, she just had a hard night and fell asleep in the bassinet so we didn’t want to wake her by transferring her to the crib lol)

I removed the blanket from underneath her, I just put her to sleep wrapped in a blanket when I’m rocking her until she’s asleep haha. How is this comfortable??? Lol

I had to fix her lol her neck position was making me cringe lol