Helping toddler poo on potty?


My toddler has been weeing in the potty consistently (aside from the odd accident when she's super distracted/busy 🙊) for a couple weeks now, but she is yet to do a poo in the potty. We take her when we think she needs to do a poo, ie farting, right time of day, when she says "poopie", but she either doesn't have the patience to sit on the potty long enough to poo or when she gets close to doing one she gets upset and wants to get off. Either way, she ends up with a poo in her underwear less than a minute later 🤦🏼‍♀️

I'm being patient with her and encouraging her as much as possible, trying to keep her distracted on the potty with stories or songs, showing her how I do poos on the toilet even 😂 but I'm wondering if anybody has any other tips or tricks I could use to try and get her pooping on the potty? I feel like all it's going to take is one or two times of her successfully going on the potty and it will click for her!