Most likely a February baby... UPDATE


UPDATE: I finally have a diagnosis! I have a gallbladder infection. They are hoping to keep it under control with antibiotics. If it doesn’t get better, my gallbladder will have to come out. It is unclear if the baby would have to be born first before they would do that. I am in the hospital until at least Monday while they watch my levels on the antibiotics.


So Sunday evening I started having crazy itchiness, mostly my wrists and lower legs. I thought at first it was just dry skin, so I lathered up some body lotion and went to bed. Monday morning it was worse. I wrote my midwife around midday Monday and she said to call my doctor and get my liver levels checked. I called the doctor and 9am Tuesday morning I went to his office for a blood draw.

When I arrived, the doctor seemed much more concerned than on the phone. The nurse took blood and urine samples for the lab and took my blood pressure. I had a very long NST as the baby kept moving away from the sensors. The doctor sent me home and said he would call the next day if anything was wrong.

5pm that night my phone rings and it is the doctor. He tells me my liver levels are crazy high and he wants me at the hospital for monitoring. Off we go to L&D and they check us into a pre-labor room for

the night. For quite a while, there was serious talk of an emergency c-section as my levels were just so high.

After a long night, I was transferred to a regular hospital room this morning (Wednesday). I am on medication to lower my levels and they are hopefully I may be discharged by the end of the weekend. It is very likely that I will be induced in the next two weeks, as the liver problem won’t go away completely until the baby is born. I am currently 34+5 and they are hoping I can get to 36+0 or later.

I am a bit overwhelmed but happy that my maternity leave started last Friday at 34+0 so I don’t have to worry about telling my work. Keep your fingers crossed that baby stays in a bit longer!