
My luck just seems to be getting worse ! I just started the process for <a href="">iui</a> . My apointment with the dr at the fertility clinic is tomorrow to discuss the results of the scan and bloods and to come up with a plan ! I don’t know what to do. Im at the hospital just staring at the wall lots of thoughts going through my mind I’ve just had a Lumber puncture/spinal tap (ouch) because an MRI found white spots on my brain and my neurologist thinks I may have MS( multiple sclerosis) I don’t even know if you can have a baby with that . I didn’t wanna google .

I’m so sad 😭 I haven’t told anyone yet but she said it’s most likely MS but will do the LP incase they find anything else ..

Should I even bother going Tommorow ??

Plus a tv with no remote control makes no sense . Its hurting a lot so I’m trying to distract myself .

Please don’t mind the man boots it’s snowing here and I kept them on

I just needed to get it off my chest no one will probably read this .

I’m the most positive person even as we speak my friends texting me for advice and she doesn’t even know were I am lol I don’t like to bother people .