
Hi ladies

Ok so hubby and i have been trying to conceive for almost a year now. Went to the dr today and did not get the news we were hoping for. 💔💔💔My uterus is not in the 90 degree position it is supposed to be in its lying flat. Now the scan picked up a patch if i can call it that on my uterus and dr says it can either be old blood that is flowing back into my uterus, causing endometriosis(sorry for the spelling) or it can be a growth of some kind.

So now i am freaking out! I was expecting the dr wil say ok now lets try some

fertility meds

and boom ill be prego soon

Now our dreams of having a second child seems to be out of the question

Has anyone been for a laparascopy to fix your uterus and cyst and clear the endo? Have you succesfully fallen pregnant afterwards? Im hoping the blob thingy is not growth of any kind and that it might just be old blood, never tought ill hope for that outcome.

Also i should add i am from South Africa and speak afrikaans as my home language, so please excuse my english🙈

Please please share your stories ladies i really need the support and encouragement because i have been crying for about 3 hours😭😭😭