My baby daddy wants half of my tax return!

My baby daddy texted me and asked for some of my tax return when I file. Now he said he makes so much money and he even showed me 5 brand new pair of shoes but only bought my child a box of pampers. He’s showed me a stick of money, eating at fancy restaurants, and said he’s been on a shopping spree. I told him I wasn’t giving him anything because you don’t need it but I do. I’m getting a car and saving the rest for when he runs out of formula and things like that. He cursed me out calling me broke bitch and saying what I was doing wasn’t “righteous”. He have done some things for him in the past but now it’s not much. Am I wrong? I take care of my son day to night with no help from him, and it pisses me off that he feel that since he’s his father and he’s done things for him he should get some money. If I’m so broke like he says why still ask for some of the money when I told you I’m getting my child and I a car and saving the rest?