Insensitive & uncaring or just Dense

So I've been dating this guy for about 5 months and everything is great when we are together and hanging out, and he def seems like he cares with actions. We spent a lot of time together when we first started dating, as new couples do but now we never see each other more than once a week, and he doesn't talk to me like at all. no texts and i basically had to beg to have one call a day. If I dicuss my feelings he just ignores it because he's doing something else. Recently I told him about how this affects me and gives me anxiety because he lives with his family (23) about 15 miles away but is in my town at least twice a week for classes so he could easily see me. He completely ignored my worries and when I said something he said sorry about your anxiety and went on to ask how my day went which drove me up a wall.

Given that little info do you think hes just a dense dude or uncaring?

I need some advice on how to handle this because I do not like barely talking or seeing each other and I will not be walked on by someone who doesn't seem to care while he's away from me.