The clomid is expiring.

Jeannie • Jeannie

Life context: (I am 25 and do not ovulate normally, he is just finishing final year of trade school but we don't have much money at the moment)

I was married a couple years ago and have since separated. While I was married at least in Canada Clomid, a fairly expensive drug that maybe my only chance of getting pregnant, was discontinued. I found out about it and got one of the pharmacies last boxes of pills. Then I found out that my husband didn't want to get pregnant etc etc.

I ended up moving in with a man and now who I dearly love, the last year and a half has been better than any other years with my husband were. We have never used protection because why bother with my condition and we have never been pregnant but have discussed the possibility. He's not adverse to us getting pregnant by accident.

We have discussed it and he does not want to get pregnant on purpose he's not ready and I will respect that.

I've been ready to be a mom for a long time now after a miscarriage really hurt me when I was 19, I have been prepping to be a mom since I was a kid myself.

So the Clomid is going to expire soon. He knows about it and he feels awful and I tell him it's okay, he is doing it the normal way, that I simply never had a shot at using it.

People I know that It's completely normal not to want to be a dad at 26 with a girl you have been with only a year and a half.

I have to be okay with it, but feeling like I am missing my only shot hurts so much.