TTC after miscarriage

Alex • Married. 29. Boy Mama to Remington, our rainbow baby 🌈 ❤️

Hey everyone!

I found out after a year and 8 months in December 11th that I was pregnant with my first, I should have been 9 weeks at my first dr apt, well they did the ultrasound and the baby stopped growing at 5 weeks, 6 days. I had a missed miscarriage. D and C surgery was scheduled for Monday, the Sunday before the surgery I ended up having hair bleeding, and had to go to the er and they went ahead and did my surgery then. It has been 2 weeks and 3 days since surgery. I had my follow up apt yesterday and dr said We’re okay to start having sex again and although he would prefer us to wait until March to try again he said it’s okay to start again.

So my questions:

-if you’ve had a miscarriage/ D&C how long did you wait to start having sex again? (We started again yesterday)

-how long did it take for you to become pregnant?

-did you conceive twins?!

Sorry for all the questions, we just want a baby so bad! Any help is appreciated!