Gender revealed

Autumn • Momma of a 4 year old boy Preggo with baby boy #2👶🏼 College student| Stay at home mom

First off I am upset unless someone can teach me otherwise.... We did our reveal Live on Facebook and now I can't save the video to my phone. I can only save to "saved videos" On Facebook. I want to save and edit the video for my own benefits.

Secondly, I am beyond happy and blessed our baby is HEALTHY. Today I am 20w6d and measuring at 22weeks 😍.

The not so happy part... I swore it was a girl from the beginning because that's what we wanted. My fiance and our 4 year old son swore it was a girl also. Then I started thinking a few weeks ago it's probably a boy because the boys keep calling the baby her and God has a sense of humor, I bet he is gonna give us a boy. (He probably would be doing us a favor tho cus I put my momma through hell). Still I kept my hopes really high about a baby girl but on the contrary. The ultrasound tech started the sentence "it's a... " And I seen it. The part that shows our baby was definitely not a girl. I'm more in shock that we are having another boy even though I was expecting it. But I kinda can't help feel a little sad, disappointed and also bad for feeling sad lol. My son is so not happy. He said "I wanted a girl, not another kid like me" Lol. 😅🤣

I can officially say I'm a mom of boys 💙