While you wait


!!!!! This is also posted in the TTC in your 20s . I know everybody isn’t 20 on here so I’ll post it here as well!!!!!!

Every 2 week wait i coupon on baby items that i know i will need abs collect all the freebies i can . It kinda takes my mind off the fact that I’m waiting for something . Maybe it’s cause i get a high off saving money . I got freebies from target 3x, amazon, baby box university, i don’t have a buy buy baby where i live but you can get one from there, Babylist, Walmart,Enfamil, and Similac . Also check any baby store around and see if you get a gift bag when you sign up for a registry . I also heard about going to tv show takings and people getting stuff but i don’t have one near me . Some you may have to pay for shipping but it’s always a joy to have the box come in for me . I’ve got bottles, Pacifiers, diapers, wipes and all the coupons i can think of . Just a tip for anyone out there who treatment is draining their pockets or if you need to keep your mind off stuff . There is stuff in each bag