Positive OPK?

Liz • Wife (05/04/2018) | Dog Mom 🐶 | TTC #1

I’m super new to tracking with OPKs. I did this more to see if my app was correct or not. Based on the app, I am due to ovulate tomorrow. I took a dollar tree brand OPK, and this is my result:

The control line is DEFINITELY lighter than the test line, which (correct me if I’m wrong) is an indicator that it is definitely positive. So does this mean I ovulate today or in 24-48 hours?

Based on the app, again, today is my peak day to conceive. So we BD, and I’m so happy to see that I actually did/am/will ovulate. I’ve never been tested for PCOS or anything (my mother and sister have it) and all of my signs have pointed to no chance of having it. So this is a huge relief that I am, in fact, ovulating!

I guess I would just like some clarity on when, I suppose? This is our first cycle TTC, too, if that helps any. If AF does show her ugly head in two weeks, I will start tracking by OPK and temps. I’m sure it’s probably pointless to just take one and call it done, right? Haha.

Thanks for reading and for any responses!