How involved are your kids grandparents in their life?


My mom and I are very very close so she is super involved in my kids lives.. We help each other out as much as we can.. She has a little boy herself and I don't work so she doesn't really ever "babysit" but my kids are always welcomed in her home and my 8 yr old boy loves to spend the night at her house on weekends or over school breaks.. Although I haven't really let my 2 yr old go anywhere far or more than a couple hours without me I think soon I will start letting her go over without me.. But my mom does take my 2 boys on vacation or one day adventures.. If she buys my brother a session pass to a theme park she always includes my boys.. She's always on top of their school grades,health, and behavior.. She will come drop off food or come cook (on her way here now) for my husband, kids, and I if not feeling well (which is not often don't worry but I'm 39 weeks pregnant and dying rn lol) and she calls me every day just to say hi and check on us 😂.. I'm 29 and the biggest mommas girl.. I don't depend on her financially or anything like that but I feel sooo blessed to have her as my momma and don't know what I would do without her (my sisters are freaking awesome too)

My in laws.. I love them so much and we have a very close relationship and we live down the street from each other but they have their own daughter who they live with so they are not AS involved as my mom but still pretty involved .. They do invite us over to eat at least 1x a week and will babysit if we ask them to (for dr apps and stuff) and we see them and have coffee with them every Sunday (a really nice tradition).. They always give my kids their undivided attention when we do see them though and I absolutely love that 💕

My dad passed away a week ago and although The first 2 days were hard and although my last baby won't get to meet him.. I feel sooo happy that my 3 kids got to know him and have such a close bond with him.. He always surprised them with money or gifts or mc donalds 😂.. He showed up with a freaking motorcycle once for goodness sakes😂😂😂 they were his reason to live.. Nobody was expecting this to happen.. It was sudden and my kids didn't get to say good bye.. But he left behind such wonderful memories for all of us that we will forever cherish.. And idk how we would be taking this if it wasn't for our faith in Christ..

Anyway just wanted to share a little bit of my life with you all .. Thank you for reading if you made it this far 💕

Here's a Picture of my dad "Grandpa Rudy" with my babes