Concerned spotting


Hi ladies ,

Just a quick review of my journey to mother hood my husband and I have been trying for 3 yrs with treatment after treatment. As my husband works offshore not home when he needs to be home , but finally we were able to have some time together since he took off for a month and we went on a vacation. During our vacation I was on Clomid , metaformin etc. You name it I took it. He was finally home for my time of open window, my ovulation day was January 16th. I have been feeling weird out of the unusual , today I’ve been having light cramps , yesterday I had a very light light pink discharge this morning was the same by this noon it changed to brown discharge , and now it is a darn brown with dark red can some one please help and tell me this has happen to them before while trying ???? Btw it’s only when I wipe.