How should I feed my dog?

I feed both of my dogs twice a day (lunch and dinner). I give them both 1 scoop for each meal. Sometimes one of my dogs does not want to eat his lunch, so I pick it up off the floor so my other dog doesn't eat it.

Here's my question though, at dinner time, should I give that dog 2 scoops, or just the 1 scoop from lunch that he did not eat?

* They eat lunch around 3pm, a little while before I leave for work. I don't wake up until around 1pm. I don't go to bed until 6am, so they get their dinner around 1am.

*man, does no one know how to just answer a simple question anymore? Everyone always wants to read too much into it. I can't put them on self feeders because my other dog does not do well with it. I feed them lunch and dinner because that is what works best for our schedules (read above edit). This does not happen every day. Just some days. So all I am asking is, on those days that he does not eat his lunch, should I give him 2 scoops at dinner to make up for it and make sure he is eating enough, or should I just give him 1 scoop (which is what he is usually given at dinner). It's a simple question. If you don't have an answer, move on and don't comment.