I’m SO DUMB!!!

So I get home from work today. My neighbor comes over and asks if his puppy and my dog can play together in my yard for a bit. I of course said yes, that I just needed to walk back and shut my gate so they can’t get out of the yard. I get back there and my mom has this pole up and leaning on the gate to keep it open. I go to pull it off and set it aside to shut the gate. The second I grabbed it it felt like I was being shocked. I thought it was just because my hand and the pole were cold. So I grab it again to find it’s frozen to the ground. So I put both hands on it to pull it out and my hands immediately are screaming in pain and I couldn’t figure out why. I got the gate shut and went over to let my neighbor in and my hands are still killing me. So some time goes by and my husband finally comes home and I tell him how my hands hurt. He asks me to explain the pain and I say “it feels like I have a billion tiny glass shards in my hands”. He immediately face palms and starts to laugh. I say what’s so funny and he looks at me and goes “was it a fiber glass pole?”. I stopped and said “oohhh, probably”. How stupid can you be to grab and pull on a fiber glass pole?! 😂😂