First time TTC

Odyssea • Mommy to Bennett 💖 pregnant with #2 💕

Hello all, thought I’d share my story and hope for some baby dust. I had my IUD remover in December and got my period the 13th of this month. I’ve been using OPKs to see if Glow was accurate in predicting my ovulation and it was. We’ve been Having Sex every day the past week including today when I got my BFP On my OPK. His family is INSANELY fertile as is mine (mother got sterilized after me, and I was her first but my aunt had 2 before she got her tubes tied, grandma had 3 and was the 3rd child out of 10- my dads side is fertile as well his grandparents had six kids in eight years) I’m really hoping for some baby dust me and the boyfriend are 100% ready for this baby and have been preparing for a while now. Would the 13th be too soon to test?