No love child update


Posted a couple weeks ago about how me & Dh have been trying for a baby for almost a year now. We dtd daily & it wasn’t a chore.

Right after we spent a week bd-Ing during my fertile window, he told me we should stop trying. Focus on the kids we have. I have kids, he had none of his own & talked me into ttc. He wanted to be a daddy since he was in middle school. Wanted it so much that he pouted every time af came. We saw my dr for fertility advice.

I was taking to him about getting on clomid when he dropped the ball. Out of nowhere.

Lots of women said maybe he just wanted to stop trying trying. Well. That’s not it. I am a week away from ov & he just used the withdrawal method during sex. What. The. Fuck.

How did we end up here??

I don’t want to talk to him about it. Bc he gives so much for me & my kids. He is the sole provider. And I don’t want to be selfish & ask for a baby. But I am pretty pissed off about it bc HE is the one who talked me into this!! I was DONE having kids when I met him!! I can’t sleep now & have been upset since he told me. But seeing that he is dead set against having a baby is so much dif than “taking a break”. I mean. We suffer from infertility, I’m not ovulating, & he pulls out. Ugh.