High Needs Toddler. HELP


My son is 23 months old. Ever since he was born, he has been very strong willed and extroverted. He also is insanely attached to me. I almost feel like it is getting worse. He will not play by himself for literally 2 minutes. If I tell him I’m going to clean the kitchen, he will stand by my leg the entire time (which is a good 30min) sucking his fingers and holding his blanket. If I take even a couple of steps he follows me. I know this isn’t separation anxiety because it has never gone away. He is exhausting to play with because he wants me to be constantly talking, singing or reading to him. He is very dictating with what he wants to do. Has absolutely no patience. I feel I have done everything possible to encourage independent play for even just 5-10mjn but nothing has changed. Has anyone else experienced this or have any advice?