My Everything


On January 24, I went in to be induced due to hide risk pregnancy. I started the pitocon at 3:00am on the 25th, and my doctor broke my water a few hours later at 8am. I was dilating but not fast enough. I wasn’t fully dilated until the next morning. After so many attempts of pushing my baby would not come out, so I had to have an emergency csection. Turns out my right side of my pelvis is smaller than the other side her cord was wrapped around her neck and body. Doctor told me if I continued to try to push I could’ve either broke my pelvis or broke my baby’s shoulders. But After 26 long hours of labor I got to lay my eyes on the most precious little girl that God had created for My boyfriend and I. On January 26 at 10:06am Gabriella Hope was born 👶🏽💕👣 5lbs 9oz 19in