My Birth Story With Preeclampsia

🦋Kayla🦋 • 🌸💗Mommy to Chloe!🦋 11/13/18💗 🌸 Married to my bestfriend.😍💕 5/11/19

Though I did update another post it wasnt as detailed since it was my first post about my past relationship and about my new one and finding out I was pregnant. This one will also have a little bit of detail about us.😊 Keep in mind this is my first pregnancy. A little bit of funny and serious moments. Oh and I'm sorry it's long!


So due to family medical history I was categorized as having a very difficult, and high risk pregnancy. I never really had any problems till really 26 weeks. At 23weeks I was being watched for high BP. By 26weeks on BP meds and I had protein in my urine and my ob wanted me to not only come in every week but see a specialist as well. So let's skip to 34weeks and 3 days. I had my appointment Nov 9th with the specialist they wanted me to collect pee all weekend yay. Well my baby shower was on November 10th well at midnight my BP got so high it was 120 over 110. I was sweating in a freezing cold room. My chest was tight and kind cold so my fiance went and got my mom who wanted to try meditating. It worked from midnight till about 2. And it just got worse I was incoherent and couldnt breath it was so tight and my chest was very cold.

We get to the hospital at 2:15 due to my mom speeding cuz I apparently wasn't making sense when I was talking. We get there to the maturity floor and answer questions best I could by 2:40am I get put in a room I should stay in till I deliver. That afternoon they cant get a hold of my OB but their drs there that deliver wanted to keep me till my due date cool December 18th. That's fine they started getting my BP down. Next morning they start meds that will help develop my daughters lungs and brain. The nurse warns me one of the meds that itll be as in I had a sunburn on the inside out.... OH MY GOD I've never felt anything like that ever not even a sun burn! My moms trying to calm me as I'm literally sweating and crying saying let's meditate find ur happy place... I looked at her saw my happy place and said, "Gatlinburg is burning again!" Next thing I feel I literally said out loud without meaning to be loud cuz my dad was in the room. I asked my aunt to come here and I said loudly, "why is my vagina on fire it burns oh my god!" And everyone including the nurse burst out laughing yay me. After the longest 15mins ever I pass out.

Trying to be optimistic the next few days. So Monday the 12 my BP is almost back to normal so everyone(my mom, aunt, and dad) go home but my fiance. Well early morning on the 13th I'm feeling the same as I did when I got admitted. So after a few hrs of having my fiance lay with me to rub my back I get him to get a nurse. Its 8:30 she checked me and immediately called my dr who wants to have me deliver today. Called my mom who just got to work at 6. And she gets to the hospital at 9:30 they check me again called dr who said to prep everything signed the papers. And by 10:47 I was being taken to the or. I got the spinal tap while squeezing onto the nurse scared to death cuz they wouldnt let my fiance back till I had it.

The guy who gave me the spinal(anesthesiologist) talked to me the whole time my fiance was taking pics and holding my hand. He said I'll feel tugging and then pressure. I held my breath when it happened it was so fast I was trying to keep up I was so numb. But then I heard our daughter cry for the first time and i was just so overwhelmed.

Chloe Isabella Simmons born November 13th, 2018 at 10:56am at 35weeks weighing at 4lbs 9oz's and 17and 3/4ths of an in long! Of course dad held her first but we both didnt get to hold her for long.

Only for a moment before going to the NICU as a preemie baby.

In the NICU from November 13th till November 30th. She had jaundice for a few days and was fed from a tube for a while. I was discharged on the 15th and one of the hardest things we have ever done was leave her there. I may have been in so much pain but I didnt care I made sure to see her every day she was there! She was my preemie and every small accomplishments shes made maybe small to some but BIG to us. So bringing her home was the happiest day of our lives aside from the day she was born of course.

Brought her home at 3:30pm Nov 30 without my parents knowing. Not even my 2 younger siblings. Mom(Mimi) got home at 5 my dad(Poppy) at11.(he works at a jail) needless to say they were very excited my mom was super shocked she didnt hear her at all! Her exact words were "Omg you little shit how could you not tell me she was here!" And my mom doesnt usually curse. 🤣

I am so proud of every little mile stone she has hit. To think the drs told me if we hadn't been worried about out families medical history with pregnancies to think we could have missed it and she and I wouldnt have been here today. I'm so blessed to have this precious, and gorgeous daughter of mine and her father in my life. If it wasnt for him I wouldn't be here and neither would she. I fall in love with him more and more each day I watch her with him. Here it is almost 3months later and I still cant believe how amazing she is.💕👨‍👩‍👧 We both have family members with either infertility, or difficulty getting pregnant and having a sticky bean. (Endometriosis, infertility, up side down uterus, heart shaped uterus, a lot is miscarriages, and more. Not only that but we were worried about a heart defect cuz my SO has a prolapsed valve, diabetes, ect.) We both thought we couldnt have kids. The fact that we didnt have any difficulties during my pregnancy untill 26weeks is a shocker not even morning sickness! We are just blessed to have our little girl in our lives.

This picture above is her smiling at her daddy. I'm obsessed with how beautiful her eyes are but not surprised since we both have blue eyes.

He says she doesnt look like him at all just me I definitely see him in her lol.😍 Love my little family to death and I would do this pregnancy all over the same way if I had to!