Noisy sleeper!


My son will be a month old tomorrow and since he’s about a week old, he’s been so noisy at night. He grunts constantly, it looks as if he’s trying to fart/poop. If he wasn’t pooping at least a bit in nearly every diaper and it weren’t the mushy yellow BF poop, I would think he constipated but he clearly isn’t. He doesn’t cry or seem overly uncomfortable, just noisy. I’m not sure if this is dyschezia or gas, but whatever it is is driving me bonkers when I’m trying to sleep.

It’s probably worth mentioning that he’s also an extremely tough baby to burp. I try so many positions and wait a good 15 mins after feeds, but 90% of the time he doesn’t burp. He’s EBF, but he does seem to take in enough air when eating and then he will almost always spit up a little while later. Maybe he’s got trapped air making him grunt? Any advice on what I could do, or does anyone have any other ideas of what could be wrong (if there is something wrong...). Also wondering if gripe water would be worth trying out? Thanks!