I didn’t think I’d be here 💔

Brie • Wife. Mommy to Pierce 👦🏼 Harper 👧🏼 And Meadow 🌈 5 losses 💔 Hashimotos, Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjögren’s, lupus

I should be preparing for my little girls arrival in about 3 weeks but instead I’m at my first visit to an infertility specialist. We’ve lost 2 others since her in August.

I literally cried the whole way here and I’m fighting back tears waiting for the dr.

I have 2 amazing kids and I didn’t struggle at all to have them (although I had my son at 32 weeks and my daughter was a super high risk and very eventful pregnancy) but they’re here with me where they belong.

I’m just defeated. I’m starting to think that our third (and last) child isn’t going to happen for us. My heart is just broken.