IUD fitting and smear test


I just went to get the IUD fitted and the nurse wanted to do a smear test at the same time as I was due to get one this month but hadn't gotten around to it yet. So we went ahead and did the smear test and then she fitted the IUD straight after, and now I am bleeding ALOT. I know some bleeding and discomfort can be expected but it just seems like more than I would have thought- TMI but I literally felt it pour out of me when she removed the speculum and the assistant nurses face when she saw the bed where I had been positioned didn't exactly fill me with confidence either.

Is it just a little more because I got the two procedures done together or should I be worried? I had my first smear test done at age 22 (now 26) and bled a tonne during and after and thanks to my scumbag ex it came back that I had Chlamydia so (although I treated it and got tested again to check, which came back clear) I'm now freaking out.

Any insight welcome! 🙏🏼