Step parenting limits?

What are the limits as a step parent? My husband only get his 9 year old once a week so I feel like it makes it a little more difficult. I am the bread winner for the family and I also am the one who cleans and takes care of my infant as well. When my step son comes over he becomes very whiny and kicks a soccer ball around in my living room not caring what he hits and sits and wipes booger’s on my nice blankets. Is very rough on my glider rocking chair and kitchen table. I know kids will be kids but I’m my husband just lets him get away with it all. He says ew to everything I eat. Because him and his father are very very picky. Won’t eat what I make because he says it’s gross. And by the end of the night he’s crying because he wants to go back to my husbands old house and not be here. I just don’t know how to handle this. I came from a divorced house and I never acted like this. Please any advise...

Edit*** YALL I AM CRYING WITH ANGER, HURT AND SADNESS. I made a roast for when he came over tonight and it turned out amazing. He took one bite and ran to the garbage to make a huge deal about spitting it out. Said it was so nasty and he doesn’t have to eat it. I can’t do this anymore you guys. I can’t handle it. I am really considering leaving my husband.