This gives me hope❤️ (updated)

First thing I want to say is I have PCOS. I take clomid each month to help me ovulate. My period comes every 5 weeks. I haven’t been using opks ever since starting clomid. I figured since my cycle is consistently 5 weeks then I would ovulate sometime in the 3 week (two weeks before period) this month I decided to use opks. I got a positive on cycle day 14! I was a whole week off from when we were trying! First test is yesterday, and second test is today. Today’s is still positive correct? Just not as dark. Yesterday was peak day am I correct?

Update: today it’s negative!!

Okay the reason why I’m so excited is because before I would only get positives on opks never a negative. I think it’s because of PCOS. So to see 3 negatives, then two positives, and then a negative again gives me hope! If this cycle works I will do another update on what I did different. I hope my 15% chance works this month❤️ lots of baby dust please.