2 dpiui and over 40


I started acupuncture two cycles ago. My right ovary was surgically removed 15 years ago. We have done 10 cycles of medicated treatment and had ultrasounds each cycle showing only follicles on my left ovary. I had my <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> yesterday and Monday I was told I had “a beautiful 15mm follicle in my right ovary” I almost fainted. I have renewed faith. Just started my 3 round of iuis. We did 6 months of ti and 4 iuis And this is our 3rd time starting a fertility round of iuis. <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">Iui</a> was yesterday and had my 15mm follicle on the right “miracle” ovary and 2 on the left:22 and 17mm