High risk pregnancy-cerclage


I had a loss at 23 weeks pregnant I started opening up at 20 weeks doctor gave us the option to terminate the pregnancy at 20

Weeks (as rough this might sound) or go through surgery to save are little angle so my husband and I decide to keep fighting to save our angel surgery when well but only when up to 23 weeks when my water bag broke I was take to a hospital where they didn’t have a NICU department transport to a hospital were there had one of the best NICU my baby boy was born 1/28/17 @ 9:42am but he didn’t make it he was so tiny he was 12inches long 1 lb 3oz it was so painful going through this when you already have a name, cloth things for your baby .Not only that but my sister got pregnant at 19yrs old and she had the girl and me the boy she was due June 18, 2017 and my Baby was due 05/28/2017 they were going to grown up together so now my sister has her baby she is about 20 months...but now my husband wants to try again I’m scared to go through the same thing again I have 2 kids a boy and girl my daughter is 12 and my son is 10 my years was born at 35 weeks my daughter was full term... has anyone had something similar happen ....