Today was awful

So today has been awful, I found out my friend’s husband passed away unexpectedly and I’m in a different city and can’t be there for her :(

Also, I ran into my ex’s friends whom which asked me about my ex as if we’re still together (we’ve been broken up since September 2018..)

Thinking of my friend made me realize of how bad my relationship with my ex was and After thinking about all these it made me wanna talk to him.. then I also realized I’m getting my period soon so I’m starting to PMS and obviously emotional fluctuations alter everything else...

it made me miss him and think back to a time that i do not wanna go back to (he was very toxic and possessive)

It made me think how ungrateful some people can be by taking others who love them for granted and not appreciating the affection and love that is being given..

it really gets you thinking about a lot of things
