ICSI with PGS testing question...

I just turned 33 this week and my husband is 34. We are “unexplained infertility” (no issues with either one of us.) We have been TTC for 6 years with 3 failed <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>’s and a spontaneous pregnancy after 4 years of trying that ended in a MC at 11weeks ( turners syndrome.) We’ve tried for another 2 years hoping it would “just happen” again, but no luck. So now we’re going to start <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. I planned to do PGS testing (since we had the MC with a chromosomal abnormality) but I found that my clinic makes you do ICSI. Because nothing is wrong with either of us I really didn’t want to do ICSI. I’ve read studies that say there is an increased risk of birth defects and other issues because it takes away the “weeding out” of natural selection when natural fertilization occurs. I’m just so afraid that by trying to avoid an issue (like another mc due to a chromosomal abnormality) I will create an even bigger issue. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel there is anything wrong with ICSI if you need it, I’m just worried about that increased risk when we have no real reason to do it (other than to do PGS testing.) Just wondering if anyone else has been in this position and if you chose to do ICSI/PGS or not? What was your outcome? Would you still choose that path or do you wish you had or had not done it? (Just another side note, our insurance covers NOTHING, so everything is out of pocket as well... just another factor)