Read. (Rant)

If all these teenagers don't want to have a baby but find out their pregnant & don't know what to do... Well you could've started off by either not having sex or using protection! Don't believe a guy when he says that condom doesn't fit. I've stretched a Trojan all the way up my leg & it didn't break! Go take some damn birth control. Stop being scared to ask your parents to get you on it, say it will regulate your periods & that's why you want it. Just make something up if you don't want to tell them you want to start being sexually active. If you can't even tell your parents that, then you're either too immature or too young to be having sex anyways. USE SOME DAMN PROTECTION GOD DAMMIT! 
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Posted at
Upset or Na?


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I agree, to me it's like "if you made the grown choice to have sex, you better make the grown choice of taking care of your baby".


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I think you need to stop telling other girls how & what they need to do.


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I think we just need a more open mindset as a socity and need to be teaching kids the truths about sex instead of putting a blanket over it like everything else and accept that people do it. 


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i dont think its any of your business to tell anyone what they should do. worry about your damn self


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I totally agree if you're too scared to ask for condoms/birth control than you're too immature for sex, that's just my opinion. Be smart ladies, don't let the man not use condoms cause he doesn't like them or they don't fit or whatever excuse, when he says that ask him if he wants to be a dad see if he changes his mind real quick


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