Need Some Input..


I’ve been looking up ideas on a nice outfit to wear to family day when I stumbled upon a vlog of a girl at her boyfriends family day/graduation. I noticed she had this really cute shirt similar to this one below except it was black and yellow and had the last name of her boyfriend on the back. Even he said in the video he liked it and I thought that was a really cool idea.

So here’s the thing..

I recently stumbled upon the term “Dependapotamus” or “Dependasaurus” and I’m absolutely terrified of doing or saying anything around any form of military member, much less even showing my presence now. :/ There’s so many things that target you as this horrifying creature that I’m doubting any ideas I had before.

I need your honest input, would it be ok to get shirts like this for me and my son to wear on family day or would it look like a wife that’s “trying too hard” and showing army pride would make me stand out as a potential dependa? :(

*Link to the video of the girl and her solider (skip to about 3:30):

I think they looked really cute together and he genuinely seemed happy for her support. 🤷🏻‍♀️