I have to tell people...


So as some people know, my egg retrieval went poor. The doctor was just over an hour late to surgery and so we lost all but 1 egg. That 1 little egg turned into an absolute beautiful blastocyst. Well for the screw up, my doctor is giving me a free round (least they could do, right?) anyway, I found out yesterday that due to my swollen ovaries and existing cysts, i would need to take a month of birth control before stimming. Being crushed is a small way of putting it. Well I went in to talk to her today and we decided that we will do a FET this month since the medicines have the same effect as BC, and if it fails, I still get to go straight into a stimming cycle in March, so nothing lost!!! I am so excited. Due to stress and questions and just needing to be alone during this time, we told our family and friends that we will be on birth control this month. That way, no stress of the transfer and if it fails, we can choose to tell them, or not. I AM SO EXCITED! I feel like I have had some shitty luck and it’s finally turning around!