Ovulation bleeding

Has anyone else experienced ovulation bleeding? We’ve been ttc for our 2nd for about 5 months and every month since then I’ve started spotting or light bleeding around cd 16-17 and it lasts until I get my period around cd 27-29. I went to the dr and had an ultrasound to rule out cysts, polyps or fibroids, everything came back clear and looked good. My dr thinks based on the timing of the spotting it must be due to ovulation and said the good sign is that I’ve had a healthy full term baby and have also gotten positive OPK every month using one as well as my bbt charting shows clear sign I’m ovulating. Dr suggested not to worry about anything and to try not to stress and track every little thing and just let my body do it’s job but that’s much easier said than done. A few days after my apt with the dr my spotting started again and I can’t help but wonder if this really is normal since I’ve never experienced this in the past. Unfortunately there is not much info about people who experience ovulation bleeding and those that do it seems to only last a day or two. I’d love to hear about anyone else experiencing something similar and has had successful pregnancies with it.