Gestational diabetes and hypothyroid


Does anyone else here have pregnancy induced hypothyroid and gestational diabetes? I’m 29 weeks and they just told me two days ago that I have GD. I had it with my previous pregnancy as well and it was very easy to control through diet. In fact, the only time I ever had a high number was when I ate a baked potato. I went ahead and started checking my blood sugar even though I haven’t been to classes yet. I went last time, so I know the drill. Well, my numbers are scaring me. My fasting number after 14 hours of no food was 116 (supposed to be under 95). My reading was 152 after eating a salad of romaine, carrots, cucumber, cheese and steak. It should be under 120 (2 hours post meal). I know that the hypothyroid can interfere with insulin production as well, so I’m wondering if this is why my numbers are so high when I’m eating virtually no carbs. Anyone have experience with this? I’m trying not to completely freak out but that fasting number is very concerning. 🙁