Starting IVF and PGD

Carrie • Mc 10/11/2014, mc 01/24/2015 Miracle 🌈 baby girl 12/21/17. 👶😍 Pregnant with baby boy through IVF, due May 2020

Omg girls I'm so nervous about all the hormones that I'm about to pump my body with! End result is so very worth it. We are doing <a href="">IVF</a> for a different reason as both my husband and I are getting carriers for Cystic fibrosis and any of our kids have a 1in4 chance of getting it. We got lucky with one healthy kiddo but don't feel we should be testing our luck for our next and last. The "probe" has been started getting made so in about 5 more weeks I'll be starting injections. 😬😬😬 Please tell me it's not as bad as I think it will be. Will I become a crazy person?